Tuesday, August 31, 2010

CBR Book#58: Haunted by Kelley Armstrong

This is the fifth book in Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series. I don't think that there will be too many spoilers in this review, as we don't meet the narrator in the series until after she is dead. So, her being dead isn't a spoiler, just who the character is.

Strong & Sexy Exercise DVD: Watching But Not Doing Part 1

A couple of weeks ago, I entered a contest at Fit Fig & Friends to win the Poise Strong & Sexy exercise DVD. I won. I promised Fig and some other Pajibans that I would record myself doing the workout and then post it since the DVD cover makes this workout look crazy as hell. I decided that I should watch the DVD before I attempt to do the exercises on camera. (Don't worry, I'll still look a fool when I do this.) Once the credits started, I knew I had to share the bat-shit crazy within this tape. You're welcome.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Oh, hello America! I didn't see you there!

I've been lazy. Well, lazy about reading books lately. I have watched a butt-ton of movies though. I'm thinking I might start trying to review movies since I've hit the magic number for Cannonball Read and have begun to slack on that front. The thing is, I need to remember that I want to review something before I watch it so I can take notes and such. I also have to turn off the damned Facebook while I watch. So, I might try that. I'll still be doing book reviews and I hope I'll take part in the next Cannonball Read. Until then, read my other blog, Beautiful Women Who Are Now Dead and the blog I sometimes contribute to, Godtopus Eats . Don't make me send the peacock after you.